SCENES ✖ Basma Khalifa

Lennie is joined by director, filmmaker, writer and fashion stylist Basma Khalifa. As a Sudanese multi-disciplinary creative raised in Northern Ireland and Scotland, Basma provides an insight into growing up as a child of the diaspora, the lack of diverse representation in fashion and TV, her debut documentary and working with Louis Theroux.

Basma's BBC Three Documentary:
Inside the Real Saudi Arabia: Why I Had to Leave

Basma's Recommendations:
Book - Burnt Sugar by Avni Doshi (Basma meant to say Burnt, not Black)
Documentary - Living Goddesses

✖ About SCENES

Conversations in culture with the people who know it best. From discussing the birth of Drum and Bass with legendary DJ Andy C to hearing how Almass Badat documented the transgender community in India, Truant chat with guests across music, art, fashion, film, sport and technology in a bid to understand the scenes they love that little bit better.

Soundtrack: Moss Gatherer - One


Editorial ✖ Music Matters


Editorial ✖ Why using humour is no joke